Question for all you spaceship gamers: What sort of battles do you like to fight? A one-on-one starship duel, like something out of The Original Series? A massive clash of fleets like the battle over the forest moon? Or something in between?
Me, I like 'em all, depending on the scenario. My favorite, though, is to have multiple players commanding a medium-sized force, each with their own, sometimes conflicting objectives. What about you?
I like 6-8 ships per side.
Three to six ships on a side, forces that are not necessarily equal, conditions of the scenario that require certain accomplishments to determine a victory.
This means convoy battles, raids on outposts, sentry duty all have a part.
My favorite piece of scifi gaming literature was a one page tale about fighter patrol on the border between the Federation and the Klingons. The title's first and last lines were the same.
We've had fun playing 20,000 point Full Thrust battles. Generally with two players per side, with dozens of ships per player. It generally required the use of a hall where we could take over the entire floor.
The best space games I ever played were run by a group led by Glenn Wallbridge back in the day. It was a multi-player Star Trek SFB mega-game, which had each ship was controlled by one person under an admiral who controlled the fleet. Glenn and his team hired a hall and I played in two games, first as an umpire on one day, and then in another game as a player commanding the Orion pirates. Lots of very fond memories of good times.
Large fleets, with as many miniatures as the table size will handle:
Large fleets, with as many miniatures as the table size will handle:
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