Sunday, July 27, 2014

Counters for OGRE Nightfall

Nearly seven months after I ordered them, my counter sheets for OGRE: Nightfall arrived in the mail.  This is one of the sponsored counter sheets for the game that came about as part of the Ogre Designer's Edition Kickstarter campaign.  The theme is that of rogue Ogres taking on the last of the humans in an apocalyptic battle.
This set comes with three counter sheets: one holding conventional forces, one of black Ogres and laser emplacements (not shown, since the sheets are still in the shrinkwrap), and one with black buildings and a destroyed Ogre. 
What's missing, however, is the "16-page booklet of new scenarios forming a linked campaign" that was promised and was the reason I purchased this set.  Instead, we have a sticker on the shrinkwrap stating that they're sending the books out in another mailing.  Considering how people have complained about lengthy shipping delays and the publisher's lack of communication regarding this product, I'm not too optimistic.
The ginormous OGRE DE box comes with more Ogres than I can ever use at one time, so I didn't buy this to collect more counters.  Instead, I liked the idea of a linked campaign that can be played over several games.  I hope we actually get to see the book published.  Either way, though, the civilian counters (medical and refugee vehicles) make a nice addition to the mix, and will come in handy for other scenarios as well.


  1. Nice-looking counters, but I'm sorry to hear about the delays with the scenario booklet.

  2. From what I've heard regarding their KS campaign campaign books, 'optimistic' is not a word to be associated w/ getting materials from them.
