Friday, November 28, 2014

Finally beat the Ogre!

Game after game, introducing new players to Ogre, I always played the defender in the introductory scenario.  I've never been able to defeat the attacking Ogre, until a game last week.  My opponent had played a few games previously, so I didn't give him many hints as he charged his Mark III cybertank at my command post. 
I took out his main battery, and he ended up using his missiles to destroy a GEV and a missile tank.  I had some good rolling taking out his treads, and I was able to stop the Ogre far from the command post--and I still had a pair of GEVs and my two howitzers.  I'm proud of finally destroying the Ogre before it took out my CP.  Now to take on the Mark V ...


  1. Once you know that you can stop the Ogre it gets easier as you play more games to repeat

  2. Influenced by all the fun you seem to be having with this game, last week I picked up the Pocket Edition from a new FLGS in town. Sure can't complain about the price tag!
