Sunday, October 10, 2010


Through clumsiness, lack of attention, and general stupidity, last night I knocked the box containing all of my Hordes of the Things armies off the box on which it was sitting onto the floor.  It made a horrible crunching sound.  When I realized what I'd done, I let loose a long yell, then turned the air blue with my cursing for several minutes afterward. 

After apologizing to my wife for the language that sent her into another room, I surveyed the damage.  Nearly every element in my 48-point 40K Imperial Guard army had lost one or more figures, and about half of my Fire Giant army needs to be glued back to its base.  I also need to fix a couple of stands in my Skeleton army.  I haven't looked at my spider horde army, but since it's made up of dollar store toys and has already endured one fall from a great height, I'm not too worried about the arachnids. 
Luckily, none of my strongholds were damaged, nor were the airboat and flyers for my 40K army, which were stored in a foam-lined box.  I'll need to go to the store for a new tube of Gorilla Glue, but all in all, the damage could have been a lot worse.  Looks like I've got some gluing to do this afternoon...


  1. Please donate to the "Disaster in Mack's Storage Closet Relief Fund". For more information, goto this link. (Warning: could be scary, but is SFW)

  2. Man that is like a mini-lovers worst nightmare. I won't even recount the horrors inflicted on my medieval andalusian army on our move from Detroit to Texas. Sad beyond words.

  3. While moving a couple weekends ago my Dad and I dropped a table containing his prized Commodore 64 and monitor. We have backups of the computer, but it may take some doing getting a new monitor for that old beast. I think I know what you felt when this happened.
