Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New MAATAC on the way?

Heard an interesting tidbit over on the Galactic Knights Yahoo! group:  Seems like GK publisher Monday Knight Productions has a new edition of the venerable sci-fi ground combat game MAATAC* in the works. 

In this message regarding MKP's schedule for this year's wargame convention Enfilade!, Monday Knight honcho William Thompson tells us one of the events he plans to run at the con is a beta version of Galactic Knights: MAATAC.  According to Will, this is going to be the
First showing (in public) of the new MAATAC ground combat rules that link ground forces into the Galactic Knight Universe (Giving you a reason to actually PUT cargo holds in your ships :-) )
As you know, MKP already sells the old MAATAC rules, along with 1:285 scale miniatures for all five powers for that universe (the same setting as Starfleet Wars).  However, the original version of the futuristic warfare rulebook isn't really compatible with the Galactic Knights starship combat game (or at least the two games' backgrounds aren't exactly the same).  It sounds like the new book is meant to go hand-in-hand with GK, and I can't wait to learn more about it.

*Multi-functional Armed & Armored Tactical Attack Computer, in case you were wondering.  Gotta love the retro-futuristic vibe you get from that acronym--shades of ENIAC and UNIVAC!


  1. Dang I loved MAATAC. I remember buying the minis for it when my FLGS decided to sell off their excess stock. We played the heck out of this game on the basement floor.

  2. Is this the best ruleset to go with, I am thinking of going into ships and space.

  3. I always wanted to integrate planetary invasions into my Star Fleet Wars battles. This sounds pretty neat.

  4. That will be something to see - I still have some MAATAC minis in a lonely box somewhere...

  5. Over on The Miniatures Page, Will said the game is ready for local playtesting--so if you're in the Portland, Oregon area, let me know how it plays :)
