Sunday, April 3, 2011

ChimaeraCon pictures

So I went to ChimaeraCon this weekend.  In addition to running my Galactic Knights game (pictured above) in tandem with Chip's Future War Commander game (pictured below), I played in some fun games and observed some cool setups.  I will get around to a detailed report later, but for now here are some pics from the game convention:
There was a massive Lego setup right as you walked in the door to the con.

Friday night I played dwarves against the orcs in this 15mm HotT big battle.

This board for Circus Maximus in 28mm scale must have been 12 feet long.

This was a very nice looking board for the fantasy skirmish game Malifeaux.

There was a huge Battletech game using Heroscape hexes for terrain.

The publisher of All Things Zombie ran a scenario using a Hanna Montana mall gameboard.

Sunday was a mass Napoleonics battle using modified DBA.


  1. Never heard of ChimaeraCon, where was that held? Would loved to have brought my Carnivoran fleet! I've done allot of land and space combos
    using Full Thrust and Dirtside (1/300 sci-fi armor) and Stargrunt
    15 0r 25mm squad/company level...all done by Ground Zero Games.

    I'm up the road a bit from you in
    Copperas Cove (right next to FT Hood) my blog :

  2. after reading through i see you are more than just a little familiar with bad...)

  3. Hey Don! ChimaeraCon was in San Antonio. Too bad you didn't hear about it earlier.

    I've seen your blog before, and wondered from the name if you were in the Central Texas area. You'll have to post some pics of your Carnies.

  4. Yeah the name started out as a joke from an old friend regarding the
    number of tanks I have...kind of built a back story..)

    Yeah I wish I would have known earlier about the con...oh well next year!

    Yeah I started out with SFB so have a few hundred Fed, Klingon, Romulan,and other, got into FT picked up some old type NSL and
    added BabV Earth Force (more flying bricks) to it.

    The Carnies I bought of some old guy he had um painted gold! Well changed that, base of dark blue with lighter blue dry brush and gun
    metal highlights.

    I'll get some photos up as soon as I can.
