Saturday, April 23, 2011

It's finished!

I spent some time Friday evening painting up the pride of my fleet, the Terran Victory-class super galactic dreadnought.  FYI, I put this model on the kitchen scale before starting, and it weighed in at one pound!

Given the name of my blog, you'd think I would have completed this starship some time ago.  What can I say?  I procrastinate--just like I'm gonna procrastinate now and not put up step-by-step photos of my painting until later... 

But just to show y'all I'm not totally lazy, here's another shot of the Victory, with a Swiftsure-class stellar destroyer for scale:


  1. Very nice....guess your going to have to change your blog photo?

  2. A pound? A POUND?! That's a big hunk of metal! Definitely worth it's name. :)


  3. Neato. That's the same weight as four sticks of butter.

  4. Huge.

    I can see distortion ripples in the space-time field around it.

  5. I can see distortion ripples in the space-time field around it.

    That's just Eddie.
