Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Con is On

As Chris announced over at the Hill Cantons, the South Texas Mini Con (for lack of a better name) is a go.  The official date is Saturday, August 20, and our little gathering will take place here in New Braunfels. 

It will be a day of as much RPG and minis gaming that we can fit into our conference room at the New Braunfels Convention Center.  We hope some of our fellow Texas gamers will be able to join us.

In addition to my Starfleet Wars, it looks like we'll have Empire of the Petal Throne from ckutalik and AD&D from Brad.  Other old-school possibilities include the original Chainmail rules and the more recent EPT prequel Humanspace Empires.  I'll see if I can get someone to run a Civil War game as well.

There's no entrance fee (but we'll gladly accept donations to offset the cost of renting the venue).  However, we're trying to get an idea of how many people to expect, so if you plan on attending, please let us know ASAP so we can get a head count. 

We're gonna have three or four tables set up at once, and we're still locking down the schedule.  We still have table space open, so if you want to run a game, let one of us know.  Here's what the place looks like:
Should be nice and cozy.  See you there in August!


  1. If only I lived a few states closer! Looks like fun...

  2. Would like to do the VSF "When The Navy Walked" at the very least, and maybe a Stargrunt game.

  3. Mik, sorry you can't make it. Maybe next year.

    Don, consider yourself signed up to run When the Navy Walked! However, I'd like to hold off on a second game till we see what space is like.

  4. Totally off topic, but the half-price books in SA at san pedro/isom has some old (west end games era) star wars and other brand space ship minis in the games section in back. unassembled, unpainted, in original box/blisters. Check the wheeled cart and the board game shelves.
