Monday, June 20, 2011

Losing weight

I was searching various blog recaps of the Northwestern Historical Miniatures Gaming Society's Enfilade convention, hoping to find some pictures of the MAATAC and Galactic Knights scenarios that Monday Knight Productions ran at the convention.  No luck in as far as pics of those games, but Dave S., author of the blog Naval Gazing, did post photos of his acquisitions from MKP, including these resin casts of the GK ships:
Photo from the blog Naval Gazing.
That's right, it looks like Monday Knight Productions has started making the massive GK ships in a material much less dense.  Not only is this substance a lot cheaper than pewter, bringing down the prices of these models, but because it's so much lighter it will probably reduce shipping costs--or at least save postal workers from hernias.

Although MKP had these for sale at the convention, no word on when these are gonna be offered for sale on their website.  Also, I don't know if the company will switch to resin for the smaller ships as well, or if they'll remain metal.


  1. My buddy who paints a lot of minis said the resin/plastic ones are easier to paint. That could be another convenient side effect.

  2. mounting them also becomes less of a Physics experiment!

  3. This is Dave from the Naval Gazing blog. I spoke with Will at Enfilade and it sounded like he is thinking about doing the larger ships in resin (carriers and larger), but still doing the smaller ships in metal.

  4. Thanks for the info, Dave. Be sure and post some pics once you get your SGDNs painted.

  5. My buddies and I played in the Enfilade Galactic Knights Game. It was a fun and different senerio. We were stuck in a wraparound gravity bubble and the only way to escape was to get to a set of warp gates. If you flew off ther side of the map you came back on the opposite side. Very fun. I also bought two of the resin SGD's (terran). They painted up very nice and were very easy to mount. If I figure out how to leave pictures of our game I will.

  6. Darth, thanks for stopping by. You can upload your pics to photobucket and then post the links here in another comment.
