Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday Starships: Avarians

We're a little bit late today, but for your viewing pleasure, here's this week's installment of Sunday Starships.  This week, rounding out the Five Powers, it's the Avarian United Worlds from the Galactic Knights line of minis by Monday Knight Productions (originally the Starfleet Wars collection from Superior Models).
This is my second-largest GK/SfW faction, behind my Terran Red and White fleets.  My painted ships include:
  • Condor-class galactic dreadnought
  • Nest-class galactic attack carrier
  • Eagle-class galactic battlecruisers (2)
  • Falcon-class stellar cruisers (3)
  • Screech Owl-class stellar destroyer leader
  • Hawk-class stellar destroyers (3)
I also have plenty of unpainted birdies: a Gryphon-class super galactic dreadnought, another dreadnought, a second Nest-class carrier, two more battlecruisers, and an extra pair of DDs.  Oh yeah--and seven Buzzard-class starbombers that need a coat of paint.

I don't have any Avarian star armored pursuit ships, and I also need to get ahold of at least one of the other class of carriers, the Vulture.
I also need to pick up a few more fighters, even though I have plenty of starfighters to paint already. 

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