Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday Starships: Terrans

I've been remiss on posting lately; maybe it's the slower pace of summer; perhaps it's the example of all the other bloggers' light posting; or it might be the fact that I'm just plain lazy.  Anyhoo, I haven't posted any group shots of my painted starships lately, so I thought I'd share some with you.  Today it's the Terrans from the Galactic Knights line of minis by Monday Knight Productions (originally the Starfleet Wars collection from Superior Models).
Since these are my favorite designs, reminiscent of the Imperials from the Star Wars movies, I ended up with more of these than just about any other faction of the Five Powers.  I have enough, in fact, to paint my ships in two different color schemes.  The Red Fleet consists of the following vessels:
  • Victory-class super galactic dreadnought (flagship)
  • Valiant-class galactic dreadnought
  • Invincible-class dreadnought
  • Constellation-class galactic attack carrier
  • Formidable-class galactic battlecruiser
  • Ranger-class stellar cruisers (3)
  • Samurai-class stellar destroyer leader
  • Swiftsure-class stellar destroyers (8)
  • Dauntless-class stellar armored pursuit ships (2)
The smaller White Fleet consists of:
  • Constellation-class galactic attack carriers (2)

  • Formidable-class galactic battlecruiser

  • Ranger-class stellar cruisers (2)

  • Samurai-class stellar destroyer leader

  • Swiftsure-class stellar destroyers (4)

  • In addition, I have a half-dozen Terran starbombers painted in nonregulation color schemes.  Of course, I haven't listed the unpainted Terran ships I own: six more starbombers, four stellar armored pursuit ships, four destroyers, a battlecruiser, and a carrier.  No telling when I'll get those painted.


    1. They really look awe inspiring all together like this!

      Great work. :)

    2. Great post.
      Love the Capellan starbomber in your link!!! Would fit in perfectly to my Full Thrust FSE-Capellan campaign I am playing currently.Excellent work.


    3. I love the fact that you've divided your Terrans into two fleets based on color schemes. I did the same thing with my Ogre miniatures, to make team play easier.

    4. Thanks, Martin and El Grego!

      Mark, your battle report on the Star Ranger forum inspired me to paint one of the ships in Capellan livery.

      Joseph, the dual paint jobs has come in handy at both multiplayer convention games I've run, allowing me to give teammates different colored versions of the same models.
