Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday Starships: Star Frontiers ships

After a two-week silence, I at least have something to share with y'all: Some more completed Star Frontiers Knight Hawks ships.
These are all from my last Half-Price Books score, and include some pretty rare privateer spaceships from a boxed set, as well as some scouts and a freighter from a Federation boxed set and a blister pack.
I painted these guys metallic pearl white, which very bright, then toned down the brilliance with a wash of metallic gunmetal gray.  The domes were done in gunmetal gray, and then details picked out in various colors I hadn't used before.
I really like these privateers--they look very sleek, like something out of a 1960s aerospace magazine.  They'll find use in my games as racing vessels or luxury yachts, probably.
Of course, these scouts and freighter will join the Galactic Knighthawks stunt team, a/k/a the Flying Roadshow.  I tried not to repeat any colors when painted the markings on the scouts.  It's hard to tell from the photos because of the flash, but I didn't forget the markings for the scout at the top; it has silver/white stripes.
 And, of course, I have another freighter.  This is the GKHs' support ship, or possibly a tanker for in-flight refueling.  You can see the details pretty well in these pictures.
Can't wait to get these on the tabletop, but I need to come up with some rules for them first.  Back to the keyboard!


  1. Hard at work on those Half Price purchases. Bully for you, they are looking sharp.
