Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Blue cat group

Speaking of Carnivorans, take a look at this cat fleet by Don M of the Brazos Evil Empire:
Some time ago, Don had mentioned he had a Carnivore fleet, but at the time he didn't have any photos up.  He was kind enough to bring his ships down to the South Texas Mini-Con last summer.  He didn't get them on the gaming table, instead he demoed When the Navy Walked

Now, he has pics up, and the space forces of the Terran Transsolar Navy stand ready to repel the invaders!  Although the Carnies were originally Starfleet Wars minis, Don says he uses them when he plays Full Thrust. I, on the other hand, usually play Starfleet Wars or Galactic Knights.  If we want our fleets to meet in battle, we're gonna have to chose a ruleset.

Either way, they're some nice looking ships.  Be sure to check out the rest of the pics of Don's Carnivoran fleet.


  1. In an alternate universe Evil Chris commands this fleet.

  2. Having started out with SFB I'm
    sure I can pick up Starfleet Wars or Galactic Knights.
