Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Old Starfleet Wars flyer

I found this image, from Superior Models' original advertising campaign, in a link on this defunct Stellar Games web page.  It depicts the original models in the Starfleet Wars line, complete with creative paint jobs.

I dig the color schemes on these ships.  Know what those paint jobs remind me of? 
Anyone else see the stylistic influence, or is it just me?  After all, it was the '70s...


  1. I remember that ad!

    I wanted those so badly as a kid and never got around to ordering them...

    You're spot on the sport-ish color schemes, but I also thought they were very reminiscient of the Terran Trade Authority books I was collecting (and wish I still had!)

  2. Oh, yeah, how well I remember that poster. My friend painted his Terran fleet exactly as depicted. I still haven't gotten around to painting my collection of ships. One of these days...

  3. They were selling the old Starfleet wars figs in cheap grab-bags at my local FGS years ago. I wish i'd bought the entire basket.

  4. I remember that ad, and still don't like those colors. Thankfully, we can paint them any way we want.

  5. Love those old Astros uniforms. They are fashionable on the baseball diamond and the bridge of the Enterprise!
