Friday, February 3, 2012

GNN breaking news

Galactic News Network has just received word of a battle near Vertex.  Details are sketchy, but Avarian United Worlds inform GNN that a Gatherer convoy carrying food, religious texts, and medical supplies was ambushed just outside the Vertex system by the Terran Federation Super Galactic Dreadnought Chancellor.  Details are sketchy, but AUW officials state ships of the Homeworld Flight shot down nine Terran fighters and inflicted moderate damage on the Chancellor before it fled.
GNN has learned that AUW forces have driven off the Terran starship at great loss.  Homeworld Fleet command confirms the losses of the Stellar Destroyer Stormcrow and the Stellar Cruiser Falcon Crest.  In addition, GNN has received unconfirmed reports that the Galactic Dreadnought Phoenix was destroyed in the battle.  More details as they become available.


  1. "GNN that a Gatherer convoy carrying food, religious texts, and medical supplies was ambushed just outside the Vertex system"


    Any similarities with reality are not coincidence...

  2. The Phoenix destroyed? Nay. Systems malfunction caused a catastrophic failure in the light-speed drives forcing the crew to scuttle the majestic craft, denying Terran scum from acquiring any information or capturing any AUW personnel. Who are extremely peaceful.
