Thursday, June 21, 2012

More forces for Muspel

It seems like I've been on a Hordes of the Things kick lately.  I have been thinking about expanding some more of my armies from 24 army points to 48 AP, for those big battles.  So I picked up a few more prepaints from ebay.  Actually, these Zzzax (Marvel Comics bad guy) figures aren't from a minis game, but are toys from the Marvel Universe Handful of Heroes line (a style sort of like those plastic army men) by Hasbro.  Still, the translucent orange material makes them ideal additions to my fire army.
In the same vein, I snagged a bunch more Magma figures.  Unfortunately, the seller threw them all into the same bag when he mailed them, so the arm got broken off the one in front on the right.  Still, I was gonna try to modify some of them anyway, so this just gets me a little bit ahead.
I think I will use these to make some Hordes elements for Surtr and the Sons of Muspel.  Justified as the fact that the flames just keep coming back after you think you've put them out.  As you can see, they fit pretty well on your standard 60mm by 40mm base for Hordes.
I've also got some figures to serve as Lurkers for the fire army.  More on that later ....


  1. Cool acquisitions! I've been reading your older posts for HoTT and I'm interested in the game now, but I can't find the rules online. The original site is no longer there. Bummer :-(
    Is there an alternate site where one can get a copy of the rules?

  2. I'm glad my posts have piqued your interest. Check your email, and let me know when you want to play.

  3. Will do. Possibly will have time next week.

  4. HotT is a great friggin' game, these additions are going to work out well. Way to go outside the box to find some great reingorcements.
