Friday, September 28, 2012

Days of projects past

Ever get an idea for an army--and even start buying miniatures for it--and then abandon the project?  It's not just the usual buying something that looks cool and never getting around to painting it, but just giving up on the idea altogether.  That's what happened to me some time after picking up these beastmen from a vendor at a game convention last year. 

I have a couple of elements for Hordes of the Things (which I had previously won in some tournaments) that wouldn't look out of place in a chaos army.  So I had the idea of picking up some appropriate minis on the secondary market, along with converting some mythological-themed toys from a hobby store, and building a full-fledged Army of Chaos.

Since then, I've got distracted by other things, such as expanding my already-existing HotT armies to 48 AP.  So the chaos idea has fallen by the wayside.  Have you ever done something like that?


  1. Yep. All the time. Barbarians, wood elves, Bretonnians. It's kind of worrying...

  2. Every darn day. My lead mountain is built on great ideas....

  3. Most of a GW Bretonnian army frm a decade ago.

  4. Let's see I have:
    two entire armies of English Civil War 15mms sitting in little plastic bags.

    about 4-5 boxes of plastic Seven Years Wars dudes.

    probably something like 100 or so Ral Partha landsknechts unpainted

    ...and well most of the primed monsters y'all have encountered in the Hill Cantons.
