Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Not yet, but we're working on it

"Are bloggers destroying our hobby?" asks a member of Dragonsfoot.  A couple of gems from that thread:

The first:
Bloggers are really only narcissists that cannot get enough response to a post on a forum.
The second:
I can see only two reasons why someone would write a blog instead of posting to a messageboard. Neither are flattering.

1) They've started a blog to make money. ...

2) They've started a blog because they want to lead the discussion in their chosen direction ...


  1. Ah, Dragonsfoot.

    You've reminded me why I don't visit Dragonsfoot; the vitriol there is rivaled only by the vitriol present on RPG.net's forums.

  2. Oh, please! What rubbish.

    Now granted, those viewing a blog post are likely bloggers and/or regular blog followers, so hardly a random sampling.

    Sure, there *is* a certain amount of narcicism involved with blogging... but no more than posting regulalrly to boards, writing articles for wargames magazines, etc. I would say that blogging has put a tremendous amount of information out there that would otherwise be very hard to come by in a specialized field like ours.

    I personally put a huge amount of work into what I post, aiming for a mix of pictures, games, historical/uniform information, reviews, etc.


  3. I think the fact that the thread starter invokes Ayn Rand sums up their mentality. Five bucks says he saw a blog make fun of or otherwise criticize Rand and that thread was his reaction. I love the expected reaction. :)

    As for blogs, I think they enhance the various subcultures, fandoms, hobbies, etc.

  4. Bah! I think Blogger is destroying the hobby! My long and "insightful" response just got deleted!

    Yup, my blog's named after me and I post things like "500th Post!", but I'm having fun with it, that's my main goal.

    I've made lasting friendships with people around the world and if my blog has shared with others a fraction of what I've taken away their own blogs, then I've actually accomplished something in the process as well.

  5. Well, first off let me say I've never heard of Dragonsfoot. And now I won't bother checking it out; it sounds like the kind of place I'd rather avoid.
    I really can't rebut those forum posts than Gonsalvo already has.

    At least on blogs I can expect civility. If some people actually conducted themselves in person (i.e. at a convention) like they do on gaming boards (TMP comes to mind), it would end badly.

  6. You money grubbin narcissist! Why do you always lead the conversation in the direction you want to take it?

    I'm going to forums were they properly track length of participation and # of posts (cause the oldest and loudest are obviously the most correct), have gated participation(sign up), moderators, ban hammers, and mob rule to deal with people like you!

  7. Its because of blogs that i unboxed my stuff and started into it again..i wish blogs were around when i was younger.

  8. Funny, I can't post a photo on most forums without learning some piece of arcane computer language. And from forum to forum that's different.

    I can add to a post on my blog, respond to comments that are neatly attached to my post, I can edit my post to improve it, I can delete the post if it was topical only and the time has passed. I can edit spam 'comments' and otherwise keep a tidy presentation.

    Yes, if mentioning different blogs, hobby or other products as a reader/customer without benefit of renumeration is bad, then I'd have to return hundreds of mini's, some paints and a slew of new storage boxes since those items are all the result of reading other blogs or links from the blogs.

    By the way, what is Dragonsfoot?

    I don't see how any particular venue hurts the hobby if it shares ideas. But then I am young (turned 60 last birthday) and impressionable. ;_)

  9. Soooo close to destroying the hobby. Any moment now and there will be no more gamers.

  10. It's true, I started a blog so I could bring down fiery destruction on the hobby. Rivers of blood, man.

  11. Are peer-reviewed journals destroying magazines? It's the same nonsensical question. Blogs are an outlet for some people to express their opinion, filtering out noise. Web forums are like bars: anyone with an asshole can throw their hat into the ring. The only reason anyone on DF would say that is because some blogger expressed an idea they hated and they're unable to flame him effectively.

    Hardly anyone uses usenet anymore; they all transitioned to web forums. At some point web forums will be replaced by blogs and Google+. And after that, something new will come along. The only thing being "destroyed" is the medium they prefer to communicate in, not a particular hobby.

  12. I started a blog so that I could be King of my own castle so to speak. I am too lazy to get a PhD and have Grad students to order around. But seriously I've found it really useful and fun to meet people and share ideas. And honestly whats so wrong about directing a conversation, people who want to will join in.

  13. Interesting discussion. I particularly like what Pahoota said...
    " At least on blogs I can expect civility. If some people actually conducted themselves in person (i.e. at a convention) like they do on gaming boards (TMP comes to mind), it would end badly."

    I have gone away and written something for my own blog, but will sit on it for a bit to mull over whether or not it is worth saying.

  14. Yes you see through my evil plan now if you would only answer my advertisement:EVIL GENIUS seeks minions to sacrifice their lives in world domination attempt. Must be perpared to work 24-7 for fascist psychopath for no pay. Messy death inevitable but costumes and laser death rays provided. No weirdos please.

  15. Argh! A blog! A game-related blog even!

    I must now burn all of my RPG materials and cast off my dice forever.

    That is all.

  16. Forum owners/amdins/mods control conversations too. And most forums object to people writing whole articles, heck some object to paragraphs.

    And forums can be homogonising, where the most popular game (or the loudest proponents of a game) drowns out the independants or the more niche interests whereas blogs can allow those to shine.
