Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Revised wandering monster tables: Levels 4-6

The revision of my expanded wandering monster tables for Holmes basic Dungeons & Dragons continues, at the behest of Zenopus Archives and as a nod to the early versions of the wandering monster tables, which included character classes among the lists of possible roaming creatures. 

In that spirit, then, here are the wandering monster charts for the middle three dungeon levels, which also employ some of the new monsters I statted up for the blue box edition:

Four Levels Below Ground          Die 
Assassins**/Samurai** (1-4/2-5)    1
Blink Dogs (2-7)                   2
Doppelgangers (1-3)                3
Gargoyles (1-4)                    4
Gelatinous Cubes (1-2)             5
Medusae (1-2)                      6
Heroes*/Burglars* (2-5/1-6)        7
Theurgists*/Vicars* (1-3/2-5)      8
Wraiths (1-3)                      9
Giant Spiders (1-4)               10
Ogres (2-7)                       11
Wereboars/Werewolves (2-5/1-3)    12

Five Levels Below Ground          Die
Hell Hounds (2-7)                  1
Cockatrice (1-4)                   2
Druids** (1-3)                     3
Monks** (2-8)                      4
Ochre Jelly (1-4)                  5
Owl Bears (1-6)                    6
Rust Monsters (1-4)                7
Weretigers (1-4)                   8
Mummies (1-3)                      9
Thaumaturgists*/Curates*(1-3/2-5) 10
Minotaurs (1-4)                   12

Six Levels Below Ground           Die
White Dragons (1)                  1
Displacer Beasts (2-5)             2
Myrmidons*/Sharpers* (2-5/1-6)     3
Spectres (1-3)                     4
Werebears (1-4)                    5
Basilisks (1-3)                    6
Manticores (1-4)                   7
Trolls (1-6)                       8
Rangers**/Paladins** (2-5/1-4)     9
Magicians*/Bishops* (1-3/2-5)     10
Hell Hounds (2-12)                11
Hydra (1)                         12

*Character class: see the rulebook and The Holmes Companion for details.  Assume standard weapons and armor.  Check for magic items as for high-level types under the Bandit entry in the Monster List in the rulebook.  Characters of level four and higher will sometimes (50%) employ 2-12 first- or second-level monsters as guards (choose or roll randomly).
**New monster: see Super Galactic Dreadnought blog for details.

Don't worry; I redid the charts for the deeper levels as well.  Up next: Levels 7-9+.

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