Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Post No. 500 on Halloween

As we wind down our observance of Halloween (I'm full from sampling the candy we gave out to trick-or-treaters this evening), I want to note that this is my 500th post for Super Galactic Dreadnought.

It's a pretty impressive milestone, I think.  It's been two years and two months since I started this blog mainly as a way to obsess over the miniature spaceship line for the Starfleet Wars and Galactic Knights games.  It quickly expanded to cover other games I play, such as Hordes of the Things and Dungeons & Dragons
In addition to serving as a creative outlet, the blog has put me in touch with like-minded people and even allowed me to game will more folks.  I'm proud to say SGDN has also inspired a couple of other blogs devoted to spaceship minis.  I hope y'all are getting some entertainment value from my posts; I know I enjoy writing them (and taking photos of my minis as well). 

I plan to keep on bloggin' for foreseeable future, although my posting probably will be light for the next couple of weeks.  But soon I want to get back to painting--and more importantly, gaming with--starship miniatures.  After all, that is the main point of this blog. 

Thanks again for reading Super Galactic Dreadnought.


  1. Congratulations my love on your 500th blog post. I know how much you've enjoyed it and hope you continue to get pleasure from it.

  2. 500 posts in a little over 2 years... wow! I post pretty regularly and may make 150 by the end of 2 years if I'm lucky. Congrats!

  3. Great job hitting that 500th post. Not easy to do.
