Monday, November 19, 2012

Two Hour Wargames at Millcon

Although Ed the THW Guy couldn't make Millenniumcon this year, he had Darby, author of the Vietnam War rules FNG, manning the Two Hour Wargames booth.  I had a chance to chat with him for a few minutes before I ran my game; very nice fellow.
Darby also has his own line of minis--Darkest Star Games, which produces some 6mm and 15mm sci fi minis.  I forgot to take a good closeup of the display figures, so you'll have to settle for this zoom of the big photo above.  Go to the DSG website for more on these models.
As scheduling would, Darby ran a Vietnam game at the same time I ran Star Navy, so we didn't get a chance to game together.  Still, it was great talking to the name behind the rules, and the best of luck to him in his new endeavor.

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