Wednesday, March 16, 2016

More minis for Hordes of the Things

At our last Hordes of the Things gameday, we talked about putting on a big battle scenario for HotT--Ragnarok--using larger-than-normal armies for the frost and fire giants. To that end, I purchased a bunch more Heroclix (and one D&D Miniatures figure) to add to my Sons of Muspel:
In addition, I saw some minis that inspired me to start working on a Frost Giant army to compliment my fire giants. I have enough figs here for about 8 AP worth of elements--probably Warbands--one-third of a standard HotT army:
Finally, while these models don't fit a current army, I like the translucent green. They might someday become part of a new force, the spirit of nature army.
Anyone else building new armies, for Hordes of the Things or any other game?


  1. I finished my farm animals for HOTT recently and have started on some Dystopian Legions minis that are still in the assembly phase.

  2. Ski, as I said on your blog, I like your barnyard army!

  3. I'm just about finished with my initial 15mm army sets for HOTT/1HW - Humans, Orcs and Goblyns. This is all for battles within my D&D campaign world.

  4. Michael, I like how you're using more than one game system (even more than one miniatures ruleset) for your campaign.

  5. Currently, Flames of War, Saga, and Bolt Action in line on the workbench. Got some Plains Indians to be used as a Rider heavy HotT army.

  6. Thanks @Desert Scribe! It's a labor of love but making my world very interesting and accessible.
