Thursday, October 20, 2016

Monopolis aerial photo

Here's a shot from a recon satellite of the greater Monopolis area. This photo was taken in winter, so the vegetation is not obvious (that is, I haven't added the forest and swamp yet). It looks peaceful now, but in a couple of weeks it will be under siege at MillenniumCon in my Ogre scenario. If you're interested in playing, last I checked there were still a few slots open.


  1. I wish, and if only I could come and play this game. Well done, and keep up the good work. Oh BTW, do you do FaceBook? There's a Ogre/GEV group I've just joined that appears very friendly.

  2. Thanks, Ashley. I wish you could make the game, but I understand that Texas is a little far for you to travel.

    And I'm on the Ogre/GEV Facebook group, but I haven't yet associated my real name with my nom de blog.

  3. What a great shot...

    Poor citizens, it's all about to become a playground for cannons, bombs, beams, and nukes.
