Tuesday, December 20, 2016

About Rogue One ...

Go see it.

To analogize: If the original Star Wars movie* was The Dam Busters, then Rogue One is The Dirty Dozen. While the morality in original trilogy might have been black-and-white, in this joint it's very, very, gray.

I liked it better than The Force Awakens. Compared to that film, Rogue One doesn't feel like it's trying so hard to be a Star Wars movie. From a wargaming perspective, I'm sure you'll get plenty of scenario ideas from the many battles.

Like I said, go see it.

*A New Hope to all you kids who should get off my lawn!


  1. Thanks! I enjoyed The Fore Aawakens, but it seemed very derivative of the original trilogy without doing all that much to move the story forward in big terms.

  2. There are certainly varying opinions on both Rogue One and The Force Awakens.

    I actually didn't care much for Rogue One, which felt more like Saving Private Ryan as written by George R.R. Martin, and set in the Star Wars universe than an actual Star Wars movie. To me, the gritty realism of Rogue One departs too drastically from the space opera roots of the Star Wars franchise.

    As you might guess, I loved Force Awakens because it was so similar to the original. It felt like coming home again, and I thought it was a necessary to take Star Wars 'back to formula,' and ground it firmly in its roots before it could move forward. I'm hopeful that the subsequent movies in the sequel trilogy will forge its own path while remaining true to its history and retaining a strong Star Wars vibe, but I don't think it could have done that without reestablishing what that was.

  3. You are right
    I saw it
    Going to see it again
