Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Defeat of the Lich Lord

Several months late, here's a brief recap of the culmination of our Thaw of the Lich Lord campaign for Frostgrave. After our wizards and their warbands gained experience and treasure and arcane knowledge over the previous campaign outings, the final battle against the big bad guy (above on the right) took place on a section of city that was magicked up into the sky, tethered by four large chains.
Yosef, the group's terrain maker, did a great job with a raised platform on which we placed the usual Frostgrave terrain, including a throne for the Lich Lord himself.
The battle was rough. It was me and a second player taking our warbands, while a third member of the group played the Lich Lord and his minions. The game didn't go too well for me, as that undead spellcaster (again at far right) managed to take out both my wizard (center) and her daughter apprentice (far left).
In the end, though, soldiers from my warband with help from the other player surrounded the Lich Lord, and it was my humble apothecary, her arms filled with healing draughts, who struck the final blow to end the Lich Lord.
It was a fun campaign, and we're still playing Frostgrave. However, we retired our wizards and started again from level 0, seeing where our adventures take us this time.


  1. That is an epic table! And sounds like it was a pretty dramatic game.

  2. Thanks, Joe! We enjoyed playing the campaign.

  3. Looks like a lot of fun! See you at Millenniumcon
