Monday, July 30, 2018

WIP: Huge transports for Ogre

I found a resin Kracken hovercraft meant for Dropzone Commander that will work great for my Ogre games. Even though DZ is in a larger scale than Ogre, this hovercraft is just big enough (with the loading ramp down) to fit a Mark V Ogre.
Note that this hovercraft will only fit a more modern, SJ Games version of the Mark V. I tried it with an older Ral Partha model, and the RP sculpt was slightly too wide.
I also came across this futuristic Hot Wheels aircraft at the supermarket. Unfortunately, I can't remember the name of the model and I threw away the packaging. I plan on using this as an aerial transport of some sort.
Right now it's been disassembled, and I've removed that large fan in the middle. I may replace it with an acrylic disc--which will better represent the blades at 6 mm scale--or I may jus leave that well open.
I will repaint the underside (while keeping the dorsal paint scheme at my wife's suggestion) and remove the large gray protrusions (weapons, I guess) on the port side.
Since I already have plenty of smaller, conventional units, these larger vehicles will help balance out the tiny-to-huge vehicle ratio.