Thursday, August 30, 2018

Ogre? Ogre

Here are some pics of my Ogre game from a couple months back, including a wide shot of the map.
Lots of GEV-on-GEV action in this game.
There was very little urban terrain for the GEVs to hide in.
That Ogre with the yellow stripes belongs to another player; these games are starting to see more minis from people besides me.
What to do when your Ogre wants to avoid being shot at by the other guy's Ogre?
The answer? Submerge! And let your superheavies try to inflict some damage.
Speaking of damage, there was lots of it collaterally, as spillover set some forests on fire. Also, note all the death pennies marking casualties.
See? More minis from other folks--in this case, the blue tanks.
Will numbers overwhelm the cybertank?
More like the other way around.

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