Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Burrowing and badgering

Burrows & Badgers is a fun little skirmish game, and I'm enjoying using my friend John's figures to play. Over the course of our campaign, I acquired a new member of the warband, Linda Lou Shrew.
I got a lot of mileage with my spellcaster, Tommy Tu Toad, who served as the warband's second-in-command. He even learned a new spell!
My warband leader, Roger Rabbit, had trouble going against John's shrew knight mounted on a stag beetle (which uses the stats for a wildcat).
And after one game in which he was taken out of action, my poor toad failed his survival roll and ended up permanently dead! Luckily, I had enough treasure saved up to purchase a replacement: Tommy Tu Toad II.

Anyone else playing this game now?


  1. Blake and Chip play this in SA. They had a small group campaign going. The figures are hard to find.

  2. Cool, some more Burrows and Badgers!
    Shame your Toad character didn't survive but such is the flow of the game.
    I'm not playing the game right now and even considering of selling my collection so I can start playing it with 15mm Splintered Light animals.

  3. Looks intriguing. I would, of course, want to use it to generate battles to play out with my ships. Hopefully Joe doesn't have any cats, if the board is to stay in place! :-)

  4. Hmm, somehow the comment got misdirected to the following post - weird!

  5. One of my local wargaming groups plays Burrows and Badgers, but I've never had time to get a game in.

    I do still get to look at the miniatures in their painting updates though, and I must say I'm a fan.
