Wednesday, April 24, 2019

FnordCon day 2

The second day of FnordCon started off with heavy rains and flooding in the area, delaying my arrival. All the events I wanted to sign up for were filled, so I was just watching the nine-player Salvage scenario that took place on all four Ogre Designer's Edition maps.
I did get in a pickup game of Ogre, defending against a Mark III with six GEV escorts. Once I took them out, some lucky rolls allowed me to quickly wear down the Ogre before it could reach my command post.
I also got a chance to play The Awful Green Things From Outer Space, a fun little board game that came out in the early '80s.
The convention wasn't perfect--we couldn't register for events online, and the schedule didn't indicate how long anything lasted. But I had a good time and will probably go again if they have another.

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