Tuesday, July 30, 2019

And then there's this ...

I can't remember the name of this critter, but it's a Reaper Bones miniature.
Ugly as all git-out, but fun for me to paint, using those color-shifting paints I got at Michael's craft store.
We have Lovecraftian organic alien-ness combined with Geigeresque biomechanical aesthetics. Works for me!
This is another creature to play the role of summoned demon in our Frostgrave campaign. Anyone know what this critter's called?

UPDATE: My thanks to joe5mc for IDing this mini as "gug, eldritch horror." I'm flattered that the author of Frostgrave stopped by the Dreadnought.


  1. I believe it is a 'gug', as mentioned in one of Lovecraft's Dreamlands stories...

  2. Thanks, Joe! Always an honor to have the author of Frostgrave comment on my blog.
