Tuesday, October 29, 2019

GK replay

After reviewing feedback from my gaming group, I ran a refight of my Galactic Knights convention scenario, appropriately tweaked. By designating the starting points for all the ships, I took away a player decision point but enabled the action to start quicker. It also put forces in position where interesting things would happen.
So we had ships attacking transports, ships defending transports, and ships trying to capture other ships. The players tried to play to their assigned scenario objectives, which were at least in theory achievable.
In the full convention game, with individual players for each force (we doubled up in the playtest), the interaction between "allies" with disparate goals can produce some unexpected results--and as the game master, I love it when player surprise me.
I'm looking forward to running this at MillenniumCon, and let me again recommend that you playtest your convention scenarios.


  1. Excellent; look forward to a more expanded narrative of the convention game, Mack!

  2. Does Galactic Knights have much in the way of optional rules?

  3. Thanks, Gonsalvo!

    Gary, there are a few optional rules, like two separate systems for running fighters and missiles, but that's about it.

  4. On the other hand, each of the five fleets has their own special traits/rules..

  5. Not sure I like fixed damage depending on range. Everything else looks sharp though. I might have to buy it.

  6. Shields (on ships that have them) block damage up to a point, 80% chance of blocking 1 hit per level.

  7. I am assuming we are talking about GK, not the original Superior Starfleet Wars rules, right?

  8. You get to ignore shields on a roll of a 1 or 2. Do you get any bonus against armor if you roll a 1 or 2?

  9. Btw, with the Yahoo Galactic Knights group going away does any body know a good place where Galactic Knights' fans are migrating to?

  10. No bonus vs armor for a 1,2... at least IIRC.

  11. As far as the GK group, the logical thing would be to migrate to Groups.io, as many otjher similar groups have done.

  12. I just got the game with the 3 supplements. I'm amazed that this game isn't more popular. It's really good.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Btw, I can't seem to find the point costs for Terran fighters. Can someone tell me what page they are on?

  15. Glad you like the game, Gary! Terran fighter costs are in the table at the bottom of page 40. Avarian fighters are in the able on page 53.

  16. Desert Scrbe, do you know where the Galactic Knights yahoo group migrated to? I'd like to find a Galactic Knights group but I'm having no luck.
