Monday, December 30, 2019

Christmas present

I asked for (and received) the excellent board game Terraforming Mars for Christmas. It's a card-driven game that also uses a map of the Red Planet so players can track their progress in making the world suitable for human settlements.
Players act as corporations over a span of generations, accumulating resources and taking actions to increase three environmental factors (temperature, oxygen, and surface water) to Earth norms. This game is very thematic, with actions such as dropping a comet on the planet to add oceans or using orbiting mirrors to increase the temperature. It's a fun game, and I even got my wife to play!

What did everyone else get this holiday?


  1. That is an excellent game. I play it every other week on average and it is still "new".

    Definately get the Prelude expansion. The others are meh and add little more than time and complexity. The Prelude makes game faster, with more variability. It gives a boost at start.

  2. Thanks, Norman!

    Since we're in the same area, we should try to get together for a game.
