Sunday, April 25, 2021

Some furniture

I've been behind on my self-imposed schedule of At Least One Miniature A Week (thanks to a difficult spaceship build and videogames), but these two packages from the Reaper Bones line, the bed and the set of table & benches, should nearly catch me up. Very easy to paint, thanks to washes and drybrushing, and I've got two more (or four, if you count the parts of the kitchen set separately) items ready for the game table.
If you run skirmish games or roleplaying games, you can always use more set dressing, and these pieces will come in handy across a variety of rules. As you can see, they're approximately 28mm scale and will work in my games of D&D, Frostgrave, Melee/Wizard, Song of Blades & Heroes, and so on. Meanwhile, I will start sorting through my pile of bare casting for the next mini to paint.


  1. You are correct, onoe cannot have too much set dressing.

    They look good as well.

  2. I agree - the more furniture, the better. And I didn't know that Reaper Bones did pieces like this. They must be dead cheap. And yours look amazing painted up.
