Wednesday, November 17, 2021

MillenniumCon 2021 (day 1)

MillenniumCon 2021 was last weekend, and I had a blast. I saw people I haven't seen in two years and got in plenty of gaming, including two sessions of my Monopolis setup. 
The convention started on a Thursday, with evening games. Since it was just down the road, I showed up after lunch on Thursday to help set up tables. Then I went home and waited for my brother to drive in, and after dinner we went back to the venue to push minis and roll dice.
I took part in a Spanish Civil War game, using modified Memoir '44 rules. The scenario was two players as the Nationalists vs. three of us as the Republican forces, including Anarchist and Communist forces. Our goal was to prevent the Fascists from getting all the way down the table to Madrid.
I took the Commies, and tried to delay the Nationalists as much as possible by ordering my forces to hold villages to the last man. It kind of worked, as when time ran out, our opponents had not reached more than halfway to their objective. 
Meanwhile, my brother took to the arena in Ludus Gladitorius, where he ended up getting killed off in the mass combat. 
All in all, a fun start to the weekend. Anyone else reading this who attended MillCon?


  1. Looks ,like a great start to the 'con! No cons for us this year, maybe something next year, although we do have a Quatre Bras game at a store on Dec 5th with room for 8,9,10 players.
    Hope to see some photos of your Ogre games.

  2. Great to see Monopolis on the game circuit.
