Wednesday, December 29, 2021

First attempt

 I gave my homemade contrast paints a test drive, and the results weren't good. My recipe was equal amounts of ink and matte medium. The hobby stores didn't have any flow aid, so I used isopropyl alcohol instead. 

This flower had some good coverage, but there were spots I applied the color where it just seeped away/
I got a little better results on this chest, but you can still see a couple of spots I painted that are now bare. Oh well, back to the painting table!

1 comment:

  1. Artists matt medium is pretty good, but you might get better results using a model medium like one from Vallejo. Also, I don't think the lack of flow aid is the particular problem, as it seems that what you're saying is that the colour is flowing off some spots.

    Now that might be down to grease, or a high spot, or just the undercoat not providing enough grip. I imagine a second coat of your colour will fix the bare spots.
