Thursday, December 23, 2021

Holiday gaming

With things slowing down for the holidays, I had a chance to play Terraforming Mars with my gaming buddies. Although we tried to get going again last summer, the increase in COVID meant we put our weekly games on hiatus for awhile. But since we're all vaxxed, we got together to make the Red Planet habitable. Here's how that world looked at the end of our game (note the 3-D tiles, which I detailed with some washes and drybrushing):
Although it was a low-scoring game since a couple of us wanted to finish terraforming to prevent other players from generating more points through their economic engines, we had a good time. I came in second out of four players in what turned out to be a pretty challenging match.   
We liked it so much, we have plans for another game next week. I hope everyone has a chance to relax over the next few days, and hopefully get in a game or two over the holidays.

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