Thursday, June 1, 2023

I'm back, baby!

Hey everyone! It's been awhile--a year-and-a-half, in fact--but the Dreadnought has returned!

Where have I been? Nowhere, really. although 2021 was a somewhat prolific blogging year, I got burned out on it and sucked into miniatures painting and terrain crafting tutorials on Youtube.  

But don't worry; I still managed to get in lots of gaming last year and this. I've been playing Galactic Knights and Gaslands, historicals and boardgames (like Terraforming Mars), old-school sci-fi like MAATAC and Ogre, and in the fantasy genre, (my new favorite) Oathmark.

This also means I've accomplished quite a lot of painting over the past 18 months, and made a few terrain pieces as well. 

I hope to be sharing my wargaming escapades with y'all in the coming months. Thanks for your support, and welcome back to the Super Galactic Dreadnought!

But enough about me. What have y'all been up to?


  1. Welcome back! Always good to see some activity from the SGD.

  2. Awesome! Great to see you back in the old blogosphere!

    I was hoping nothing nefarious had happened to you. Looking forward to seeing what you've painted up and some batreps.

  3. Welcome back! Glad to see you're doing well.

  4. Crazy good news! So glad to see you making an entry; do show us the new stuff!

    Check out our local Renaissance of the Galactic Knights rules o Fish Tales. We are also deep in a "Napoleonic feel imagination" campaign.
    Oathmark sounds like fun, recently got the core rules and some of the supplements. Be grea to seeing what you've done there.

  5. Welcome back! I eagerly await AARs of your OGRE and other games.

  6. Thanks for the kind words, everyone! I'm glad to be blogging again.

  7. Welcome back! I have been doing only some gaming - my blog until recently had no new content for 12 months. But I am back into it now as well (blogging).

  8. Good to see you back, Mack, and look forward rto more posts, especially any of your GK games!

  9. Welcome back! For me it's mostly been RPGs, like DCC, Cyberpunk Red, dipping my toe into Apocalypse Engine stuff. Finally took the plunge into Gaslands too!
