Thursday, June 15, 2023

Scenes from a game of Oathmark

Our group started playing Oathmark last month year, an miniatures-agnostic rank-and-flank fantasy wargame from the creator of Frostgrave.

It's been a chance for me to put together an Oldhammer-style lizardmen army with a bunch of vintage citadel figures, as well as newer castings from Reaper.

My opponents have drafted historical, Lord of the Rings, and the official Oathmark minis to fill out their ranks.
Our matches down at the local game store always draw attention from passersby, and the game itself is fun and easy to learn and play.
Anyone else taken up the Oathmark banner?


  1. You're off to a great start. We have the rules and have planned armies around our Warhammer and other collective medieval rambles. Are you using any of the supplements or are you sticking to the basic set?

  2. Sorry, I meant last year, not last month.

    Yes, we have all the supplements, and have incorporated them into our games.
