Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Completed Transports

So I finished painting the remaining transports for my convention game.  I used my standard three-color drybrush method, which really brings out the detail on these old Stardate: 3000 miniatures.  I like these designs because they have a lot of detail, yet a wholly distinct style as compared to Galactic Knights minis.

 At left is what was originally a Perseus-class light cruiser; its weapons have been stripped and replaced with cargo modules.
This slightly larger ship was an Orion-class heavy cruiser in its previous life.  What appear to be weapons at the bow are actually cargo manipulators.
This vessel was once an Auriga-class fleet support ship, expanded with the hulls of two Draco-class destroyers to make the largest transport in this squadron.  

Bonus ships:  I haven't identified these minis, but as they're too small for mass cargo transport, I plan to use them as shuttles or scenario objectives in future games.

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