Sunday, December 5, 2010

Scenario: Assault on Regulus IV (order of battle)

Here's the order of battle for each side in my Galactic Knights game at Millennium Con 12+1.  I designed this scenario for eight players, and made the forces granular enough to accommodate less players and/or fewer units if necessary (the scenario itself is available in this post).  Fortunately, the game filled up so I didn't need to do this, and each player commanded one task force/squadron.

Task Force Mercury
  • Formidable-class battlecruiser (carrying 2 light fighter groups and 2 heavy fighter groups) 
  • Samurai-class destroyer leader
Task Force Mars
  • Ranger-class cruiser
  • Swiftsure-class destroyer 
  • Swiftsure-class destroyer 
  • Swiftsure-class destroyer 
Task Force Jupiter
  • Ranger-class cruiser
  • Swiftsure-class destroyer 
  • Swiftsure-class destroyer 
  • Swiftsure-class destroyer 
Task Force Saturn
  • Invincible-class dreadnought
Transport Fleet
  • ISV Scalzi (about the size of a destroyer)
  • ISV Steele (about the size of a destroyer)
  • ISV Vinge (about the size of a destroyer leader)
  • ISV Stross (about the size of a destroyer leader)
  • ISV Bradbury (about the size of a cruiser)
  • ISV Asimov (about the size of a cruiser)
  • ISV Clarke (about the size of a battlecruiser)
  • ISV Heinlein (about the size of a battlecruiser)
NOVA LIBERIA (and Kmet allies)
Able Flight (NL)
  • Mongoose-class destroyer
  • Hornet-class star bomber
  • Hornet-class star bomber
  • Hornet-class star bomber
  • Hornet-class star bomber
Baker Flight (NL)
  • Centaur-class destroyer leader
  • Aardvark-class armored pursuit ship
  • Aardvark-class armored pursuit ship
  • Aardvark-class armored pursuit ship
  • Aardvark-class armored pursuit ship
  • Aardvark-class armored pursuit ship
Naval Reserve (NL)
  • Kraken-class battlecruiser (carrying 3 light fighter groups and 3 heavy fighter groups) 
Esquadrille Thebes (Kmet)
  • Anubis-class attack cruiser
  • Ibis-class frigate
  • Asp-class attack frigate
  • Asp-class attack frigate
I also provided a handout for the players with the special rules for this scenario.

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