Sunday, December 5, 2010

Scenario: Assault on Regulus IV (rules)

With the eight players divided into two teams (see the order of battle here), I gave everyone the following scenario handout:

Assault on Regulus IV


Prior to play, the attackers write down which side or sides of the board they will enter from and type of formation (line, column, wedge, etc.) and designate one of the four planetary installations (red, yellow, green or white) as their primary objective.

Also, prior to play, the defenders write down which side or sides of the board and which turn any forces not deployed at the start (if any) will enter from and type of formation (line, column, wedge, etc.) and designate one of the four planetary installations (red, yellow, green or white) as their command center.

The defenders may then set up their remaining forces anywhere on the board. Defenders have initiative the first turn, after that determine normally.

  • The attacker is escorting transports carrying cargo units representing troops, vehicles, and equipment. How many cargo units reach the planet’s surface are relevant to who wins this battle. Because the transports are commandeered civilian vessels, they have no armor or weapons.
  • The planet blocks movement and line of sight. Additionally, the planet's gravitational field will affect a ship's drift. The referee will indicate when this happens.
  • Each installation on the planet (indicated by the red, yellow, green and white markers) contains one Railgun and four Light Particle Beam Batteries (LPBs).
  • Planetside weapons have a Profile of 8 and may be targeted from orbit individually (no need to roll to see which weapon you hit), with a hit destroying the targeted weapon. Planetside weapons always attack first during any combat phase. LPBs may only attack fighters in orbit and in line of sight. Railguns may attack any ship (not fighters) in line of sight within six hexes.
  • Any ship or fighter group may enter planetary orbit. To do so, a ship must finish its movement phase with a drift of 4 hexes at a tangent to the planet's circumference (the referee will demonstrate). A transport may land in its current hex or any of the next three hexes after spending at least one turn in orbit.
  • A ship in orbit may attempt a planetary bombardment. Due to atmospheric interference, only ships with Heavy Particle Beam Batteries (HBPs) (see rules summary) may attack the planet's surface. Ships may attack any part of the planet's surface which they drifted over in that turn.
  • Fighters may enter the atmosphere for a strafing run after spending at least one turn in orbit. Fighters that enter the atmosphere may attempt a strafing run in their current hex or any of the next three hexes. Because of their lack of maneuverability in atmosphere, fighters have an effective Profile of 5.

The attackers must land at least 50 percent of their cargo on their primary objective and at least 25 percent of cargo on its secondary objectives. Destruction of the defending fleet is a tertiary goal.

The defenders must prevent the attackers from taking their installations for at least 5 turns and prevent them from taking the command center. The defenders must ensure the survival of at least half their fleet. Destruction of the attacking fleet is a tertiary goal.

Have fun!


  1. This looks like a hell of a lot of fun!

  2. Thanks, scottsz! I had a good time running the game (even if I did stress a little) and hope to run this scenario or something else at future conventions here in Texas.
