Sunday, February 6, 2011

Now joining the fleet ...

Since the ice and snow here in Texas shut down most of the state, I didn't have to go into work Friday.  Instead of making it a productive day of painting, I spent my time off watching TV and surfing the Internet.  Late that evening, however, I did get some painting done. 

I finished off two Terran starships from the Starfleet Wars/Galactic Knights range: my Valiant-class galactic dreadnought and the second of two Samurai-class destroyer leaders. 

I painted the GDN in my default Red Fleet paint scheme, and added a fourth color, a little metallic copper, on top of the other three.  Since this is such a large ship, I felt it warranted the extra hue.

Because I'm trying to get two fleets out of my Terrans, I painted the DL in the Terrans' alternative White Fleet colors (actually burnt umber, mushroom, and linen).  I'll post more extensive photos in future gallery entries.


  1. Now that's a well-spent snow day. Nice job on the big boys.

  2. My two favorite designs from the Terran fleet. Finishing off 5 of the destroyer leaders today. Maybe. We'll see.

  3. Thanks, ckutalik.

    RF, you'll have to post pics :)

  4. I really like the bi-level design of that red Terran ship. How long is that Valiant-class model? I'm thinking of picking one up for my Full Thrust fleet.

  5. Patrick, the Valiant is 104mm long and 64 mm across at its widest point. You can see additional measurements in this post:

    Also, stay tuned for more photos of the galactic dreadnought!
