Sunday, March 20, 2011

Under the hood of the new OGRE

The upcoming update of the venerable sci-fi tank combat game OGRE has created quite a bit of excitement in geek circles.  Here's a quick summary of all I've been able to glean about the new version of Steve Jackson Games' iconic wargame:

From the initial announcement of OGRE 6th Edition:
From the sixth edition sell sheet:
  • Revised and reorganized rules divided into a rulebook, scenario book, and player reference sheet
  • Two of the three mapboards are double-sided
  • Photo shows what appear to be separate geomorphic terrain tiles for use on top of the maps 
  • Fourteen sheets of counters
  • Includes OGRE record sheets, dry-erase marker, and two dice
  • Vacuum-formed counter tray
  • Box weight: 12 pounds
Finally, I've dug up the following additional details that Phil Reed, the company's chief operating officer, has confirmed on SJG's message boards for OGRE/GEV:
More details as I uncover them.


  1. Blechh! That's a lot more game than I'm interested in. There seems to be a 'growing' trend in boardgames these days. I'd be a lot more excited about a revamped pocket edition than a 12 lb. hernia-box that's priced way out of my range.

  2. Yeah...from a $3 microgame to a $100 box, wow! I might buy a $30 boxed version with reasonably nice components but no way would I drop a c-note on the "hernia-box" (lol good one sean).

  3. I bought all the Ogre stuff a few years back (2000?) when SJGames re-released it. Honestly, I'll probably pick this up. Yeah, $100 is rather steep, but it's WAY cheaper than Warhammer. This is the kind of game I wanted when I was a kid but couldn't afford.

  4. I am not quite sure what Ithink of the counter shapes, and losing Winch's classic silouettes is a hard blow.

    The game looks very pretty though.

    Well worth the money I am sure. I will probably buy this, mostly as a way to say "farewell" to an old friend. I doubt Ogre will be back again after this.

    The way this game and its fans have been treated over the years by the company has left a very sour taste in my mouth.

  5. Thanks for that. I'll definitely be picking up a box.

    (Heck, I play WH40K - I pay that much for one over-priced tank.)

  6. Thanks for the post! We're doing the best we can to share details on the game, but until we have finalized the pieces and sent them to print there are lot of bits that may change.

  7. Phil, thanks for stopping by. Of course you're gonna hear a lot of grumbling for one reason or another, but I'm looking forward to this game. I've already told the folks at Dragon's Lair that I will buy a copy.

  8. As an avid fangirl of OGRE I shall be buying a copy of the new edition. The discussions around it seem to miss the basic point that it is a labour of love, and really not going to make SJG rich.

  9. I think I'll buy it also...what the heck I already have two MKIIIs in 15mm!

  10. Wait... no Ogrethulhu?

    That's it, can't buy it now.

