Saturday, March 19, 2011

Work in Progress: Freighter and scouts

I'm still working on the rest of the Star Frontiers ships I acquired.  The battleship remains bare, but the scouts and freighter are in the process of receiving their paint jobs, as you can see below.
Instead of painting the ships three colors via drybrush, I'm trying a different paint scheme for these guys.  I primered them white, then painted them with pearl metallic white (and metallic gunmetal gray for the canopies).  Here's a closer look at these minis:
I plan to pick out some of the details using different metallics.  Hopefully, I'll finish them up over the weekend and share the results with y'all soon thereafter.


  1. Nice stuff there! Seems to be screaming for some red, maybe? Or green?

  2. Love, LOVE the Star Frontiers ships!
