Tuesday, June 7, 2011

New MAATAC designs

Monday Knight Productions is offering some new models to accompany its range of MAATAC* minitures for the eponymous science fiction ground combat game.

According to the company's announcement on The Miniatures Page today, these are designs that were announced when the game was first published, but remained unreleased until now.  Check out the reactions in the announcement discussion thread on TMP.

These 6mm sci-fi tanks would make good proxies for some of the smaller cybertanks in OGRE/GEV.  I can also picture them in games of BattletechDirtside, or Future War Commander

Bonus MAATAC content: Miniature Review's comparision shots of MKP tanks with Progenitor and Dirtside vehicles.

*Multi-functional Armed & Armored Tactical Attack Computer


  1. Most cool. I might use them for other nations in the Ogreverse; been itching to try something where I could put a Golem (the Israeli version of an Ogre) into the field, or maybe China vs. Nippon...

  2. I still have some MAATAC figures, in particular the avian ones which I used as standins for traveller spaceships.

    Lost my original maatac box and rules long ago

  3. Nice. I dug around in some old boxes and found a few of my MAATAC tanks; might even slap some paint on them...

  4. I love Maatac and the miniatures. It's great the range is expanding. It's a great game to play if you want a quick game with simple rules and minimal setup.
