Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Well, I guess it's official

So it looks like we're throwing a mini convention this summer--and in New Braunfels, of all places!

After some initial discussion about a possible local gaming get-together, the intertubes fell silent for awhile.  Now ckutalik (rather unilaterally, I'm afraid) has announced what we're calling for lack of a better name, the South Texas Mini-Con (how's Braun-Con sound?).  In celebration, I made the lame logo you can see at left.

The gameday is tentatively set for August 13 here in NB.  Looks like I will be running some obscure spaceship game, Mr. Hill Cantons will run some Tekumel for a change, and Brad, that crusher of skulls, said he wants to run an AD&D adventure.  And it looks like the town's RPG artist in residence will be there, too.

See y'all in August.  Maybe by then we'll have a better logo.


  1. This furthers my conviction that there are actually a lot of people playing RPGs who just aren't participating in the mainstream industry culture. Rock on, BraunConners!

  2. I am the decider, what can I say.

    Nice logo btw.

  3. And please my father's name was Mr. Hill Cantons. Just call me Hill.

  4. Too late to run something? Will there just be bunch of DM's and no players.

    New Bwhat? I try to stay in Austin.

  5. Cool.....I'm spreading the word on my blogs and groups....Need anyone one to Run a Stargrunt/Dirtside/Full thrust game?

  6. Oh one more thing...I'm one of the designers for WTNW

  7. Your logo needs a spaceship and a D6. Or a tank and a D6. Or a Viking and a D6. Or a spaceship, a tank and a Viking, but mostly a D6. ;)

    Seriously, though, best of luck with your convention!

  8. This sure generated a lot of interest. Norman and Don, I'd like to say you're welcome to run games, but we need to get an idea of how much space we'll have before I can give you a definite answer. Either way, we hope y'all can make it.
