Monday, January 23, 2012

Rounding out my new HotT armies

My latest miniature figures purchase netted me a whole bunch of minis, but they were four groups of homogenous models, and the lack of variation left me wondering how to round them out while assembling my new Hordes of the Things armies.  The folks in this thread on The Miniatures Page had some great suggestions regarding toy dinosaurs for the lizardmen, so I hied myself to the dollar store for some prehistoric goodness.
 A TMP member suggested the small dinosaurs would be good as hordes elements when based with a skink beastmaster, so I could use them as hordes or beasts elements. 
The two big dinos will make great mobile combat platforms for the skinks, behemoths per the rulebook army list.  Here you can see them posing on a couple of 60mm square bases.
 As you can see in this comparison shot, the skinks will fit in just fine on top of these critters.  I'll use some bamboo skewers I have in the kitchen to make the fighting platform.
Interestingly, the smaller dinosaurs look like they might work as mounts for the Bretonnians if I were so inclined.  Remember the saurus from the Quest for Glory computer games?
Speaking of knights, the TMPers suggested I use some of those Bretonnians to make a hero and/or paladin element for that army.  I realized that I already had a figure that would fill that role:
 This is a banaret from the wargame Ex Illis by Studio Figurines Bastion, out of Quebec.
I think he'll make a fine paladin to lead my Bretonnian army.  Now, to get all these assembled and painted ...

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you'll have a very distinctive and interesting HotT army. BTW, the dollar stores in your area have a better inventory than the stores on my side of town. The typical kid's isle here is full of Barbie knockoffs and various plastic devices that go "bang"! Not much for a minis gamer.
