Thursday, March 8, 2012

GNN special report

This just in to Galactic News Network: The Avarian United Worlds Bureau of Information is reporting that the Avarian Homeworld Flight has destroyed the Terran Transsolar Federation Navy galactic dreadnought Noble Knight Prince in a battle along the Angle-Vertex shipping corridor.  A spokesbeing for the Terran Admiralty would not confirm this report, but sources inside the Admiralty who wish to remain anonymous told GNN the navy has lost all contact with the starship. 

It is not known how many crew are aboard the NKP; other ships of the Valiant class can carry up to 3,100 spacers and 800 marines.

The Noble Knight Prince set out with the super galactic dreadnought Chancellor three weeks ago on a mission to interdict Avarian weapons shipments and prevent a massive arms buildup at Angle.  The vessels apparently went their separate ways at the start of the mission, and the Chancellor recently skirmished with Avarian forces near Vertex

More from GNN as this situation develops.


  1. A disaster for my gallant lads! We are anxiously awaiting further news...

  2. The Phoenix is avenged! However, this leaves the Chancellor roaming about goodness knows where...

    Admiral Fleetwing, Avarian Home Flight
