Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Superior Models' Wargamers Forum

A while back on this blog, THE HESSIAN asked about Wargamers Forum.  This publication was a house organ put out by Superior Models in 1979.  The magazine billed itself as addressing "space, naval and armor wargaming with miniatures."  Issue No. 1 had a cover price of $1.75 and was dated October 1979.

Articles in Wargamers Forum No. 1 relevant to this blog included a Starfleet Wars background story "The Five Worlds-A History Part 1: Terran Contacts with the Entomalians and Avarians," pieces on starbombers and super galactic dreadnoughs identical to the rules in SfW Book 2, an article on kitbashing Terran and Carnivoran models to create a new starship, details about the Mantis and Leviathan classes of starships billed as "excerpts from a forthcoming starfleet recognition manual," and Starfleet Wars/MAATAC Q&A (intended to be a regular column to clarify or correct the game rules).   The issue also had articles on historical naval wargaming.

As far as I can tell, there never was an issue No. 2 of Wargamers Forum.  Too bad.  I would have loved to see more details on the ships and background of the Starfleet Wars setting.  Someone should start a 'zine ...


  1. Silver Gryphon Games may be interested in producing such a 'zine. Send me an email at if you'd like to discuss it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Interesting; never heard of this one myself.
