Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Megadungeon: The Edmund Fish-Barrel

Good news, everyone!  I've decided to expand on my starship as megadungeon idea and start working on the project myself.  I will base the adventuring site on one of the various Starfleet Wars ship models.  But which one?  First, I looked at my measurements of the models.  Remember, these designs are approximately 1/9600 scale, meaning each millimeter on the model represents 9.6 meters, or more than 30 yards.  I don't want to try anything too ambitious, so I'm staying away from the monstrous super galactic dreadnoughts (which  are more than a mile long!). 
Instead, I find a casting of the Aquarian Piranha-class destroyer, which at 40mm comes out to about 384 meters in length.  The scale width of 20mm means the ship is about 192 meters across.  Big, but not overwhelming.  So background: After a great battle between the Terrans and the Aquarians, this starship crashed into a remote part of the game world, where it now beckons to treasure-seeking adventurers.  Call it the wreck of the Edmund Fish-Barrel.  Add in the multiple decks, and you've got quite a volume of starship to explore, as the cross-section shows.
To help me with the map, I took an extreme closeup of the model and printed it to graph paper.  That way, I know where everything goes and can even draw parts of the map over the image of the starship.  Another nice coincidence, the scale on this map works out to about 10 yards per square.
I have the outline and the cross-section of this ship/dungeon; now I just need to fill in the details on the map and stock it with monsters and treasure.


  1. Very cool. I love how you're basing it on an actual mini, and how this system and setting will presumably then overlap with another system, and maybe another setting too. Even that calculation of full size is entering a space most of us don't go.

  2. I love the tongue in cheek name of the ship!

  3. Great idea, and such a 'lucky accident' about the scale and the graph paper!

    Nice to see other plaer's Aquarian ships out there as well.

  4. Damn! That song is in my head now...

  5. Very nice. Careful though, 9.6m is only about 30 FEET.

    You have hooked me on these miniatures again. I used to play this when it was new and I have rooted around for my old ships. I've started ordering the new ones and my son and I played our first game tonight.

  6. Mekenabares, you'll have to post pics!
